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It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to our college website, developed to enable everyone to become familiar with this college which has unfolded in to an institution of glorious past and lofty future. Much care has been taken to initiate the website in the hope that it will become a valuable resource for you and provide you easy to find information and to gain access to a free and virtually diverse pool of resources about this college. On this occasion , I proudly placed on record the fact that as a team working together, our staff members strongly promise academic achievement with a sense of commitment much to the expectation of the students, parents and society at large.

I wish all the students a great success in career and prosperity in their future life .

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Think of an Orissan college whose name weaves magic and whose record-breaking feats are the constant toasts of the media, and you will find yourself thinking about only one college. It is a college that blends the most glorious of Orissa's heroic past, as inscribed in its very name, and the best of Orissa's burgeoning present. It is a college that stands at the point of intersection of the two epochal incarnations of Kaptipada, a historic Block Town and a happening small City...

During the mid-seventies of 20th century, a few local élites of Kaptipada_College_Nuasahi Block felt the necessity of setting up a college in this tribal area to promote higher education. It was housed in the Boys High school of Kaptipada_College_Nuasahi for the session 1978-79. Subsequently, to be away from the din & bustle of the township of Kaptipada CollegeNuasahi, the college embracing a tranquil atmosphere congenial to study & ...

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Our Popular Courses:

There are 6 semesters in +3 arts,science,commerce in Degee. Each year having 2 semesters . Honours Students have the followings:-
Core course (CC)- 14 papers
Displine Specific Elective(DSE)- 4 Papers
Generic Elective (GE) - 4 Papers

Which are the best subjects in Arts,Science,Commerce stream? The best subjects in Arts stream would depend upon a student's interests and preferences. Some of the major Arts,Science,Commerce subjects include History, Education, Political Science, English, Odia, Philosophy,Physics,Chemistry,Mathematics, Zoology,Botany,Cost Acounting, Accounting and Finance,Banking and Finance,Accounting and Taxation,Human Resources amongst others..

Take The First Step To Learn With Us:

These nine steps will help you learn anything, faster and more efficiently:. 1. Talk to someone who's already learned it.
2. Immerse yourself in the learning process.
3. Learn in short bursts.
4. Write everything down.
5. Focus on the fundamentals.
6. Find a way to self-correct.
7. Practice consistently.
8. Explain what you've learned to someone else.
9. Avoid the dip.


Gandhi Jayanti


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Get Your Course Finder:

The college offers +2 and +3 ( undergraduate course). In +3 arts this college has 32 seats in History ,32 seats in Pol science,16 seats in Philosophy, 32 seats in education,16 seats in Odia for Hons students. In +3 Science this college has PCM and CBZ and in +3 commerce this college has 64 seats.In +3 Science this college has 16 seats in Physics, 8 seats in mathematics ,8 seats in Chemistry,16 seats in Zoology, 16 seats in education,16 seats in Botany for Hons students...Read More

Toppers of College:

  • Anita Behera
    Pol Science, Topper-2023
  • Dharitri Binot
    Philosophy, Topper-2022
  • Gitanjali Behera
    Odia, Topper-2020
  • Subhashree Senapati
    Education, Topper-2018

About Our College:

Think of an Orissan college whose name weaves magic and whose record-breaking feats are the constant toasts of the media, and you will find yourself thinking about only one college. It is a college that blends the most glorious of Orissa's heroic past, as inscribed in its very name, ...More...

Online Admission:

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